: : 3) Clearly there are languages that the Bible has not been translated into (as demonstrated by Nikhil and Floyd in our thread below). : Of course. There are missionaries in ever country who are bringing the gospel of Jesus to people who have never heard it before. Eventually, the gospel will be available to people of every language.
I'll leave the rest of your thread alone, since it's really none of my business, but as this parargraph refers to me, I chose to respond. Shaun, you still side-stepped the question. Did your god create people and put them in situations where they had no access to the bible, simply so that they would be eternally tortured for not reading the book or having it read to them? Did all the people of Africa, Asia, and the Americas who lived between AD 33 and the arrival, in their area, of missionaries go to hell when they died? You're avoiding this question when your readers really want to hear the answer. Some people live and die without ever meeting a missionary, so what happens to them? Does your god punish people for not having access to this book or not? Enquiring minds want to know, man.