Day 114 - 04 Apr 95 - Page 19
1 adopted. Now, pithing is not being, well, it is being
2 phased out because there are hygiene regulations. It is
3 not hygienic. It is particularly suspect now because of
4 BSE because, obviously, the brain is the part that you do
5 not want to interfere with too much. So, I have concerns
6 at the moment that this question of inaccurate shots will
7 actually become a worse problem for welfare than it was
8 before.
10 Q. On point 149, the last sentence on the page: "It is
11 particularly important for species with thick skulls, e.g.
12 bulls, bores and large sows, to use a pistol which is
13 designed to provide a high volt velocity; simply using a
14 more powerful cartridge on some captive bolt pistols may
15 not achieve this objective".
17 What is your view on that? Do you agree with that first?
18 A. I have seen it bounce off bores and there are some
19 slaughterhouses economise by using inadequate bullets.
21 MR. JUSTICE BELL: With captive bolts, stick to cattle because
22 there is no suggestion the captive bolt is being used on
23 pigs whose meat goes to McDonald's.
25 MR. MORRIS: Yes, but in terms of the point about the velocity,
26 it is not just the cartridge power, but the velocity seems
27 to be what they are saying. Do you agree with that?
28 A. It is the velocity and the weight behind it. It is
29 just that certain animals have very tough foreheads,
30 I suppose like some people, and it just defeats the gun.
32 Perhaps I could just refer to your Lordship's comment; one
33 has to bear in mind that there are always breeding animals,
34 boars, old boars, and they are all connected with the
35 process so at some stage you will have out of this -----
37 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Forget pigs with the captive bolt.
39 MR. MORRIS: On page 40, point 161: "Current legislation
40 requires that all stunning instruments should be in proper
41 repair. Whilst we fully endorse this provision, we are not
42 satisfied from our investigations that this requirement is
43 adequately enforced. In far too many cases, it was evident
44 that equipment was neither being adequately maintained nor
45 regularly checked to ensure its effective operation."
46 What is your view on that?
47 A. It is still a problem.
49 Q. Can I just you a general question about enforcement? What
50 is the prevailing culture around the whole slaughter
51 process in terms of people's attitude to regulations and to
52 enforcement?
53 A. Because of reports like this and because of the changes
54 that I have mentioned already, there are more official or
55 the meat trade actually is complaining that there should be
56 deregulation. The Food Safety Act of 1990 introduced a
57 large number of official surveyances primarily to do with
58 hygiene. The Richmond Committee also commented -- I think
59 that was in 1990 or just before -- particularly on
60 hygiene. That meant there were more officials,