Day 092 - 27 Feb 95 - Page 04
1 A. Could be what?
3 Q. Being reared indoors?
4 A. Most of them, no. That is not a true statement, some
5 of them could be.
7 Q. Yes, but you do not know, do you?
8 A. No, I do not. That is what I said. I do not know what
9 -----
11 Q. So McDonald's have not said to you: "You have to make sure
12 that all the pigs supplied to us are reared outdoors"?
13 A. We have not said that. It is not part of our
14 requirement that they have to be raised outdoors.
16 Q. It is not part of your requirements that they have to have
17 access to fresh air and sunshine?
18 A. No, it is part of the humane treatment, it is part of
19 the policy that they have. They have to be raised in a
20 controlled environment.
22 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Fresh air may mean something different in
23 England to the States. It means open air.
24 A. OK.
26 Q. I think that is the way ------
28 MS. STEEL: Yes.
29 A. There is no requirements in the United States that the
30 animals have to be raised in open air.
32 Q. No, but is there a requirement by McDonald's that they have
33 to be raised in the open air?
34 A. No, it is not.
36 Q. Do you know what "dry sow stalls" are?
37 A. By that you mean "dry stalls", I guess is
38 self-explanatory.
40 Q. Where sows are kept during their pregnancy?
41 A. Yes.
43 Q. Does that happen in the USA?
44 A. It depends. The hog industry is a wider -- there is a
45 lot of conditions in the United States. Most of them are
46 kept in controlled environments while they are lactating or
47 close to giving birth or environment/index.html">litter. It could be covered
48 depending on the environment, it could be not.
50 Q. Right.
52 MR. JUSTICE BELL: That is not quite what you are putting, is
53 it?
55 MS. STEEL: No.
57 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I think you had better put what you mean by a
58 "dry sow stall". It is the same language but obviously
59 terminology differs from time to time.