Day 054 - 24 Nov 94 - Page 07
1 afternoon, Monday to Friday.
3 Q. Which survey is that one?
4 A. This is the one that is reference No. 5.
6 Q. Can you give the date for it?
7 A. That was carried out in February 1990. The television
8 was -- this was on ITV. The television was monitored using
9 video and then the advertisements recorded and analysed.
10 Food and soft drinks were found to account for 53 per cent
11 of all advertising. This was eight times higher than any
12 other category of product advertised. In approximately ten
13 hours of viewing there were 92 advertisements for food and
14 drink -- an average of nearly ten an hour. When the food
15 and soft drinks advertisements were looked at to record the
16 type of product that was being advertised, the results are
17 shown in the pie chart there.
19 Q. Can you tell us which page that is on?
20 A. It is the second page of the reference in here.
22 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Can you hold it up so we can see it? This is
23 in 5?
25 MS. STEEL: Yes, it is B5.
26 A. As the pie chart shows, the largest category of
27 advertisements was for cereals followed by confectionery
28 with snack foods, fast foods, frozen foods, coffee,
29 yoghurts and soft drinks. We then looked at the products.
31 Q. Before you go on to that, overall what kind of food
32 products were the ones that were forming the majority of
33 the advertising in total?
34 A. 78 per cent of all the food and drink advertisements
35 were for products which were high in sugars or fats or
36 both.
38 Q. Right.
39 A. Only 10 per cent could be said to encourage a healthy
40 diet. As the products listed on the next page show, the
41 level of advertisements for foods such as fruit and
42 vegetables, in fact, there were not any at all.
44 Q. Looking at the overall picture, do you feel that is a
45 matter for concern? I mean, what effect do you think that
46 is likely to have?
47 A. The overall impression that is being given by the
48 totality of the advertising messages in this survey shows
49 that the kinds of products children are viewing are foods
50 that are high in fats and/or sugars.
52 Q. Right.
53 A. The concern is that the balance of nutritional messages
54 that children will get is very different from the
55 nutritional messages that are being encouraged by
56 government reports, government policies, etc. as to what
57 constitutes a healthy, balanced diet.
59 Q. Right.