Day 049 - 09 Nov 94 - Page 40

     1        about", rather than, "If I thought it was such and such,
     2        would you agree? "
     4   MR. MORRIS:  No.  That particular section -- and this is why, if
     5        Mr. Rampton wants to put in a film which he claims is black
     6        propaganda, the burden is on him to prove that
     7        particular----
     9   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I am not concerned with that.  I am concerned
    10        with leading questions being kept within a reasonable
    11        boundary.
    13   MR. MORRIS:  I understand that.  I do not want to have to show
    14        that part of the film.  If I showed that part of the film,
    15        then Ms. Gallatley could comment on it.
    17   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  You can draw her attention, without showing
    18        it.  I am sure she probably knows it almost frame by frame
    19        and word by word by now.  She has shown it a lot of times.
    20        All you need do is say:  "Do you remember the bit in the
    21        film where this happened", and then you can ask her, if you
    22        like, what she makes of it.  The only point I am making is,
    23        do not start a question:  "If I thought this of it, would I
    24        be right or wrong?"
    26   MR. MORRIS:  I will phrase it differently.
    28        (To the witness)  Do you recall the section in which
    29        Big Mac came up?
    30        A.  I do now, because I have just been recalling it while
    31        you have been talking.  Yes, I can remember the actual
    32        frame that was in.
    34   Q.   What was that section about?
    35        A.  It was just after the film had talked about land use,
    36        how, if you look at the production of meat against the
    37        production of plant crops, then the production of meat is
    38        very inefficient and wasteful in terms of being able to
    39        feed people.
    41   Q.   The consequences of which?
    42        A.  The consequences of which are that simply, even with
    43        the present world human population, even if we all had a
    44        Western US style meat-based diet, we could not feed the
    45        whole world, which is one of the really important things
    46        the video was trying to say, that to actually feed the
    47        number of people in the world, even at the present time,
    48        then more people have to reduce their meat consumption or
    49        go vegetarian for there to be enough agricultural land
    50        available to grow enough crops to feed those people, 
    51        instead of growing crops to feed to animals which are then 
    52        fed to people. 
    54   Q.   Maybe if the Plaintiffs want to rely on that later, they
    55        should provide a transcript of that section.
    57        Was that the only film that was shown in your many talks?
    58        A.  It was the main film that was shown. There was an
    59        earlier film, which is not shown any more, called The
    60        Vegetarian World, which was done by William Shatner from

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