Day 049 - 09 Nov 94 - Page 38
2 Q. You have made a huge leap, Ms. Gallatley, between what you
3 recall having read and what you say about McDonald's.
4 McDonald's does not feed the whole nation all the time,
5 particularly small children. Do you recognise that parents
6 have a responsibility for what their children eat?
7 A. Of course.
9 Q. Do you recognise that it may be that, to some extent, what
10 the child eats is under the control of parents?
11 A. At the same time, children have a huge influence over
12 their parents.
14 Q. Well, I cannot ask you any more about that, because you do
15 not have any children of your own.
16 A. Hopefully, I would base it on more than just my own
17 children if I did have.
19 Q. Well, I wonder. When you were a child once, like me, I
20 suppose, do you remember asking your parents for things?
21 A. Yes.
23 Q. Did you always get your own way?
24 A. No. But if there was heavy advertising of it, I would
25 probably pester them more.
27 Q. And did they give in?
28 A. Sometimes.
30 Q. Yes, sometimes. Maybe occasionally for a treat, yes, or a
31 reward?
32 A. Sometimes.
34 MR. RAMPTON: Yes. Thank you.
36 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes. Thank you. Do you want to ask
37 Ms. Gallatley anything before we proceed to re-examination
38 about the film, or is it not necessary? I only want you to
39 do it if you have got something definitely you want to ask
40 her about. If you do, then I will give you time to do
41 that.
43 MS. STEEL: Would it be appropriate to have a five minute break
44 now, so we could speak about whether we feel we need to do
45 that?
47 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I will break off until twenty past four for
48 that purpose. If you wish to speak to Ms. Gallatley, you
49 may tell Mr. Styles when he comes up that you need more
50 time. But do not do it just for the sake of doing it; only
51 do it if it is some particular matter that you have in
52 mind.
54 (Short adjournment)
56 MR. MORRIS: Can I just ask if the Plaintiffs are going to
57 provide copies of the film to the parties and to the judge?
59 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Is that the only thing which is on the tape?