Day 049 - 09 Nov 94 - Page 32
1 the influence which McDonald's apparently had. But I may
2 just not have recalled it. Anyway, you do not recall now
3 saying what Mr. Rampton is putting to you?
4 A. I really do not think I said I thought children should
5 be ashamed of going to McDonald's, because that does not
6 sound like the kind of thing I would say. But I did say
7 that the advertising, using ronald mcdonald for the younger
8 children -- a lot younger than that video would be shown to
9 -- does encourage the view that McDonald's is pure. I
10 think I said something along those lines.
12 Q. Why, in your view, is McDonald's not pure?
13 A. In my view, because McDonald's are involved in
14 producing meat in such a huge quantity that they are
15 involved in killing millions and millions of animals, and
16 all the environmental devastation that goes with that; and
17 also because it is a junk food, and if children eat it in a
18 large quantity then I do not think it is healthy for them.
19 So, in that sense, it is certainly not a pure food.
21 Q. You see, your stance on the use of animals for human food
22 is entirely a moral question, is it not? It is not a
23 question of fact. It is either right or it is wrong, is it
24 not?
25 A. No, I do not think it is just a matter of right or
26 wrong. I think the way the animals are kept in the factory
27 farm, intensive farming conditions, you can describe them
28 without say they are right or wrong.
30 Q. Miss Gallatley, you have got to make two and two make four,
31 and not five, six or seven, have you not? If you are going
32 to say that McDonald's are impure because they use animals,
33 then you have to demonstrate, have not you, that their
34 animals are kept in those conditions that you showed on
35 that film; and you cannot do it, can you?
36 A. Yes, we could do that, because McDonald's have at no
37 stage ever said that their chickens are from free range
38 conditions and have said they are from intensive
39 conditions.
41 Q. Leave the chickens. Take the pigs and the cows, if you
42 will. Most of the McDonald's meat that is eaten is not
43 chicken, it is beef. Can you demonstrate that McDonald's
44 cows are slaughtered while they are still sentient? Can
45 you demonstrate they all live in grisly conditions inside
46 for the whole of their lives, can you demonstrate that?
47 A. Well, I can certainly demonstrate, generally, that is a
48 true statement for Britain unless McDonald's use other
49 abattoirs that others do not use, which I do not think is
50 the case.
52 Q. If you are trying to educate children, do you not think
53 that the responsible attitude would be to get your facts
54 right first?
55 A. I think that I have got my facts right first.
57 Q. What is your evidence, then -- I repeat my question -- that
58 the majority of McDonald's cows are still sentient when
59 they have their throats cut?
60 A. I did not not say the majority of the cows were