Day 049 - 09 Nov 94 - Page 30
1 keep their animals or the pigs in totally free range
2 conditions, and certainly not their chickens.
4 Q. You have no evidence that McDonald's own any land in
5 rainforest countries, do you?
6 A. Only from what McDonald's have said to me in a letter,
7 which was that they use ex-rainforest land in the countries
8 where the actual stores are in countries where there are
9 rainforests.
11 Q. Ex-rainforest land can mean anything up to 500 years ago in
12 Central America, can it not?
13 A. In the letter, they said to me -- I asked how many
14 years they meant, and it was a very vague answer. They did
15 not give a specific answer.
17 Q. The film showed people cutting down large trees in the
18 rainforest, did it not?
19 A. Yes.
21 Q. Nothing about land that was, once upon a time, rainforest
22 land in certain parts of the world; that distinction was
23 not made in the film, was it?
24 A. The whole concern of the film is the rainforests that
25 are being destroyed now, because there is only about
26 50 years or so to save them. It is trying to give people
27 information to maybe do something about it.
29 Q. I can understand what you say that people should be
30 concerned about it, perhaps, (a) if you had any evidence
31 for what you said and, (b) if you had not decided to name
32 two of McDonald's products in the course of that film. I
33 do not understand why you bothered to do it, if you have no
34 evidence to connect McDonald's with those allegations?
35 A. Well, the whole film is talking about the general cause
36 of eating animal products on a massive scale, and
37 McDonald's are a part of that. I mean, nobody can deny
38 that.
40 MR. RAMPTON: McDonald's customers, Ms. Gallatley, yes, we
41 can----
43 MR. MORRIS: Can I just make a point, that Mr. Rampton said
44 something as fact which was not fact, which is that those
45 products were connected with the things that he had asked
46 Ms. Gallatley about. It is my recollection that the Big
47 Mac reference was relating to animal feed and hunger, in
48 general.
50 MR. RAMPTON: My question was: what are the McDonald's products
51 doing in that film?
53 MR. MORRIS: Again, if reliance is placed----
55 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I can remember it perfectly well.
57 MR. RAMPTON: (To the witness) I do not understand why
58 McDonald's products are in that film?
59 A. Well, firstly, I do not agree that the Chicken
60 McNuggetts were specifically named as McDonald's, but, even