Day 049 - 09 Nov 94 - Page 26
1 cross-examination I, personally, do not mind Ms. Steel or
2 Mr. Morris talking to Ms. Gallatley before they re-examine.
4 MR. RAMPTON: The other thing I wondered was, if Mr. Hill cannot
5 make the tape work on our machine, whether Ms. Gallatley
6 could actually help us get a visible copy of the video
7 tape? I appreciate that she is no longer with
8 The Vegetarian Society, but I gather it might still be
9 being shown in schools and, presumably, in a form in which
10 people can look at it.
12 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Let us wait and see what comes from it.
14 (Short adjournment)
16 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, we have not got it back at the beginning,
17 but we will carry on.
19 MR. JUSTICE BELL: (To the witness) I was going to say can you
20 see it, but I assume you are totally familiar with it? So
21 let us play it.
23 (The video tape was then played)
25 MR. RAMPTON: Ms. Gallatley, you call that an educational film;
26 is that right?
27 A. Yes, that is correct.
29 Q. Have you any children of your own?
30 A. No, I have not.
32 Q. You show that to what age of child?
33 A. 14 to 18.
35 Q. You expect them, do you, to accept the statements made and
36 implied in that film as being truthful and accurate?
37 A. Well, you expect them to debate it with you and
38 certainly to stimulate a debate, which is often why the
39 schools ask you to show the video.
41 Q. Do you agree with me that the film implied that the animals
42 shown at the beginning being slaughtered were actually
43 feeling pain at the time when they were shown having their
44 throats cut?
45 A. That particular animal was fully conscious when it was
46 being slaughtered.
48 Q. You do not see some general statement made there about the
49 conditions under which animals in slaughterhouses die?
50 A. Sorry. I do not understand.
52 Q. You do not agree that there is a general statement implied
53 about the conditions under which animals die in
54 slaughterhouses?
55 A. I think the conditions that are shown at the end of the
56 film, where the cow was being shown, where the blood was
57 coming out the throat, is the general conditions of how
58 animals are killed -- cows are killed, I should say, not
59 all animals.