Day 049 - 09 Nov 94 - Page 23
1 director of Youth Education and Campaigns, so part of my
2 job was to campaign on the vegetarian issues.
4 Q. What I meant was that you have not worked in market
5 research or advertising? Can you hear me? Am I speaking
6 too softly?
7 A. I can just hear you.
9 MR. JUSTICE BELL: The stenographer has asked that you and I
10 speak up yesterday, especially towards the end of the
11 sentences.
13 MR. RAMPTON: And towards the end of the day, too, I dare say.
15 Ms. Gallatley, my question was whether you had any
16 practical experience working in advertising or marketing?
17 A. Well, I have got experience in working in advertising,
18 but for the organisations that I have worked for. I have
19 never worked for an advertising agency, specifically.
21 Q. Have you spent time studying the considerable body of
22 learning which exists in relation to marketing and
23 advertising?
24 A. I have certainly spent some time doing it, because I
25 spent a year's course just studying marketing and its
26 effects. But I am not going to say that I am a world
27 expert, or anything like that, of course.
29 Q. We will leave that there. You mention in your statement
30 that one form of talk that you give in schools is this,
31 that there is a video shown first and then there is a
32 discussion or a debate; is that right?
33 A. That is right, yes.
35 Q. Is it always the same video that you show?
36 A. It was not, no, but the most frequently shown video was
37 Food Without Fear.
39 Q. Food Without Fear?
40 A. Yes.
42 Q. That is an educational video, is it?
43 A. Yes. That was shown to 14 to 18 year-olds.
45 Q. If you are showing an educational video to children, you
46 must ensure, must you not, that you do not mislead them?
47 A. Absolutely.
49 Q. You must make sure that you do not indoctrinate them?
50 A. Yes.
52 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, at this stage, I should like your
53 Lordship to see a copy of what we believe to be that video
54 tape. It takes about 20 minutes. Unfortunately, the
55 timing is bad, because it is ten to one, more or less.
57 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Shall we break off now?
59 MR. RAMPTON: Would your Lordship prefer that?