Day 049 - 09 Nov 94 - Page 21
1 connection, at all. It is purely a reward for something
2 that they have achieved or got through, an experience they
3 have got through, which is why, in my view, the sponsorship
4 is a lot more dangerous -- if you want to put it in those
5 terms -- than the advertising, because, as the children get
6 older, it is a lot easier to understand that an
7 advertisement is selling than it is a reward scheme from a
8 school or a doctor's or a dentist's or a children's
9 hospital, or whatever.
11 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Do you really have anything more to ask
12 Ms. Gallatley?
14 MS. STEEL: I am just checking.
16 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You put her statement to her, and you have
17 asked her to enlarge and explain on her point.
19 MS. STEEL: (To the witness) Just one thing: were you
20 surprised by what you found when you talked to the
21 children?
22 A. Yes, I was, because obviously, as an adult, it is hard
23 to imagine the effect of advertising on a much younger
24 mind; and so I was genuinely surprised that McDonald's did
25 have the influence, and does have the influence, that it is
26 on children; and I was actually genuinely surprised that
27 McDonald's name came up individually at all so often.
29 MR. MORRIS: Just two or three extra questions. I think
30 McDonald's have said that a million people eat there every
31 day in this country, something like that. So if, every
32 day, 49 million people, or whatever, are not eating at
33 McDonald's, why did the children indicate that they would
34 be laughed at or felt they would be laughed at if they did
35 not go?
36 A. All I know is that they said they do go. All I can say
37 is my experience is that, obviously, they do go, and that
38 is why, presumably, they brought up McDonald's and only
39 McDonald's. Obviously, a high proportion of children do
40 visit McDonald's.
42 Q. But if the vast majority are not visiting McDonald's for
43 the vast majority of time, did they give any indication of
44 why they felt everyone is going?
45 A. I mean, with teenagers, again, they would always bring
46 up this weekend point, that it was the place that they
47 would go on a Saturday. Presumably, not all of them go
48 there every day, but they were indicating they would go
49 there every week. The reason, I think, why McDonald's is
50 mentioned again and again is from everything that I have
51 already said, really, all the pressure from advertising and
52 sponsorship and, as the teenagers would say, the hype.
54 MR. MORRIS: So was that making an impression on kids -- all
55 that, together?
57 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Well, this is just going over ground which
58 Ms. Gallatley has dealt with.
60 MR. MORRIS: When you said in your last paragraph, "No other