Day 049 - 09 Nov 94 - Page 11
1 A. For the younger children, by "advertising", I do not
2 just mean television advertising; I mean sponsorship
3 especially which, to me, I just count as advertising. They
4 would mention ronald mcdonald by far more than anything
5 else about McDonald's. ronald mcdonald was the thing that
6 kept coming up for the younger children, and they would
7 just talk about that character, especially with the younger
8 ones, as if it was something that was real to them and as
9 if it was something that was positive and good; and the
10 thing that worried me greatly was that, you know, these
11 younger children seemed to think it did not matter how much
12 of McDonald's products they ate, and that was fine and that
13 was healthy and that was good, because ronald mcdonald told
14 them that that was so.
16 Q. The association with dentists and doctors?
17 A. And also because of the sponsorship.
19 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Just pause a moment. Were you going to
20 mention sponsorship again, because I am not clear in my own
21 mind what you mean by sponsorship?
22 A. Well, separate to the television advertising, things
23 that were mentioned were -- for example, on Play Dough, at
24 the moment, you will often get ronald mcdonald as a
25 character in the actual Play Dough for very young
26 children. So everything from that, right through to giving
27 out reward schemes mentioning McDonald's from something
28 like the dentist: if they have been a good child, they get
29 something from McDonald's to say how good they have been.
30 That is what I mean by sponsorship, which was something
31 that was brought up by the younger children as being --
32 obviously, I mean, they did not say, "This has influenced
33 me", but because of the way they mentioned it, obviously it
34 had influenced them to see McDonald's as just, basically, a
35 part of their life and a character that made them think
36 that everything that McDonald's sold must be good, good,
37 good.
39 MS. STEEL: They did not appear to question what they were being
40 told by McDonald's or by Ronald or the impression they were
41 getting from Ronald?
42 A. Obviously, a few did; a minority who, for example, were
43 already vegetarian, obviously did question. But the
44 majority did not question what ronald mcdonald was telling
45 them, no. They just took it as fact, really.
47 MS. STEEL: I do not know whether there is a need to go through
48 the paragraph about Mr. Green, or not?
52 MS. STEEL: I am not sure how much is accepted.
54 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Is there a part you do not particularly want
55 to introduce into the evidence, because if there is I can
56 put a bracket around it and say it is an exception to
57 making it part of the evidence.
59 MS. STEEL: It is not that it is a problem; it is just that I
60 was not sure whether they were now accepting that that was