Day 049 - 09 Nov 94 - Page 08
2 Q. And McDonald's was specifically mentioned, was it?
3 A. McDonald's was the only burger chain that was
4 specifically mentioned.
6 Q. Did they say why that was, why they were particularly
7 concerned about McDonald's?
8 A. Yes. In some of the debates, when we went down that
9 path and talked specifically about burger chains and
10 McDonald's itself, then they would say things like: "Well,
11 it is because we have known about McDonald's since we were
12 tiny. We have heard about them since we were tots. They
13 are just part of our lives, really"; that they use
14 McDonald's as somewhere to meet on a Saturday, and could
15 not imagine being the odd one out who was saying, "I am not
16 going to meet at McDonald's, and I am not going to go there
17 any more."
19 I think with teenagers -- in my experience, anyway -- they
20 do not like to be seen as the odd one out. They like to
21 fall in with the rest of their friends and go to the places
22 that they go and eat the places they eat.
24 The other thing that was mentioned a lot, which is a word
25 that they used themselves, was it is because of the hype.
27 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Can you try not to go so fast? We have some
28 absolutely brilliant stenographers, but it is not an
29 Olympic sport. Just take it steadily and have breaks in
30 between what you want to say.
31 A. Sorry. I was saying that the----
33 Q. You say: "They like to fall in with the rest of their
34 friends and go places that they go and eat the places where
35 they eat. Another thing that was mentioned a lot, which is
36 a word they use themselves" -- and then I interrupted you.
37 A. ----was "hype", the word was "Hype". I think there is
38 an awful -- there is sort of an awareness among teenagers
39 of what hype is but, at the same time, they follow that
40 hype and they follow the fashions that are dictated a lot
41 by advertising; at least, that is what my experience is.
42 They mentioned the McDonald's advertisements themselves.
43 They have seen them so often that I think they said that
44 they found it difficult to not go to McDonald's, because it
45 was just seen as the place to go.
47 With younger children, it is a different matter because,
48 obviously, they speak in different terms. The younger
49 children would, say seven to ten years old, they would say
50 different things. They would mention things like having
51 been given little rewards with a McDonald's, either a
52 ronald mcdonald on in or some McDonald's character on it
53 when they have been to, say, for example, the dentist's,
54 I remember being mentioned several times; and they had
55 mentioned -- well, the character they kept mentioning was
56 ronald mcdonald, itself, where they obviously looked up to
57 this character and kept referring to the clown, and
58 obviously saw ronald mcdonald as a positive, good force,
59 not something that would ever make them eat anything that
60 was bad or detrimental to their health, even if they ate it