Day 048 - 08 Nov 94 - Page 18
1 of what it meant. I cannot recall what we changed from or
2 to in terms of our buying strategy. It is something that
3 moves continually. It needs delving into numbers rather
4 than just looking at 28 weeks or 29 weeks.
6 Q. What are the numbers which always seem to be up against
7 "universe"? For instance, on the page you are on there --
8 it has appeared on the previous two, as well -- there is a
9 249 under "children's television" and a 3046?
10 A. That would be the total target audience in the
11 universe. You are looking at the universe, my Lord; yes?
13 Q. I am just looking at the number. I do not know whether it
14 is related to "universe" because it is on the same line, or
15 it is just some figure under "children's television". It
16 is against "universe" on all the pages.
17 A. 1456? Sorry.
19 Q. No. On page 227, for instance, there is a 249 under
20 "children's television" and a 3046 under "adults'
21 television" in the left hand column.
22 A. My understanding of that is that that is the universe,
23 the total audience within that particular region, in this
24 context, the Anglia region. So it would be the universe of
25 children and the universe of adults.
27 Q. What, in thousands?
28 A. Yes. So you would have, what, 3 million adults -- is
29 my reading of that figure, for instance -- 3054.
31 MS. STEEL: Do you actually know that that is what those figures
32 do represent?
33 A. I know the universe is that total target audience. In
34 terms of the detail of these numbers, it is a mine of
35 different changes that go on, not only by across the years
36 but also in different regions.
38 Q. Of course, there are less children in the country than
39 there are adults?
40 A. That is also true, yes.
42 Q. And especially if these are just directed at two to
43 nine year-olds, or whatever it was----
44 A. I do not know whether our strategy was that at this
45 time.
47 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You say you do not know how the figures are
48 reached, whatever the proportion of -- yes. Well, let us
49 just leave it there, unless Ms. Steel wishes to pursue it.
51 MS. STEEL: The figures, you talk about the numbers-- sorry, I
52 am getting a bit lost. I think we should carry on. I
53 think there is an approach, and I think it is a useful
54 approach to look at how many weeks of advertising----
56 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I was not trying to stop you on that. It was
57 just the specific figures, like 249 and 3046, and just what
58 they mean.
60 MR. RAMPTON: But, my Lord, I do suggest that, instead of just