Day 048 - 08 Nov 94 - Page 14

     1        quickly, which we could debate forever, about at what point
     2        is advertising wasted, and there is a point that it is; and
     3        it is, therefore, really redundant to keep spending money
     4        against children -- or adults, when it comes to that.
     6   Q.   So why show an advertisement twice in one slot?
     7        A.  That particular point that you are making is, in fact,
     8        two ten second commercials.  Now, on average, I suppose,
     9        the majority of our advertising would go out as 30 second
    10        commercials.  So, actually, there is ten seconds less
    11        within the communication.  Therefore, it is actually -- it
    12        probably would cost us about the same amount of money as
    13        one 30 second, because you pay a slight premium for the
    14        ten second commercials, but we believe you would get an
    15        additional impact from the creative part of that buying.
    16        So whilst you do not see the full message of the 30 second
    17        commercial, you actually only see 20 seconds, there is a
    18        creative element which is a judgment call.
    20   Q.   What, someone gets reminded of it twice; like, if they have
    21        just forgotten it, they are going to get reminded of it
    22        again and it is more likely to stick in their memory?
    23        A.  It is less that, in that people tend not to forget
    24        advertising that quickly during the course of a couple of
    25        minutes break, but in terms of adding additional kudos, if
    26        you like, to the brand, through what we would believe to be
    27        a clever, creative approach.
    29   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  When you do the ten second ones, one sees ads
    30        on television where you have the whole of an ad, maybe
    31        30 seconds, and then a little later on you have something
    32        which is obviously part of the whole ad which you have
    33        seen, just perhaps maybe the last few seconds.  Are there
    34        ten second slots of that kind, parts of or very edited
    35        versions of a whole ad which you hope has already become
    36        familiar?
    37        A.  Yes, there are.  We have not done a vast amount of
    38        that, ourselves. They are called cut downs, normally; and
    39        you may give a full story of a particular commercial in
    40        maybe 40, even 60 seconds, but because that becomes very
    41        expensive to run, you then do a cut-down version which may
    42        be 10 or 20 or 30 seconds.
    44   MS. STEEL:  You do not only show advertisements -- well, coming
    45        back to this point about there is a limited number of times
    46        you can show advertisements before they lose their
    47        effect -- you do not only show advertisements once a week,
    48        do you?  If you are showing an advertisement during -- I do
    49        not know -- say Coronation Street, is that for the whole
    50        week, or what?  It is not just once a week, is it? 
    51        A.  No.  We would buy -- it goes back to that audience we 
    52        were trying to buy -- a number of ratings, and the agency 
    53        would try to buy that number of ratings, the coverage and
    54        frequently across the whole of, say, the two week period of
    55        the campaign.
    57        Having said that, we have in the past -- and many companies
    58        do -- just placed one commercial in a particular programme,
    59        because----

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