Day 048 - 08 Nov 94 - Page 10
2 Q. You do not?
3 A. No.
5 Q. You would not think it was an insult?
6 A. An insult to whom?
8 Q. Or offensive -- if someone said that you only advertised to
9 children?
10 A. No. I would not be offended, no.
12 Q. Why do you only advertise to children in new areas?
13 A. Well, very much the position in McDonald's, as we have
14 said before, is one of families, and one of the tactics to
15 reach families is through children, for the reason we have
16 discussed before. So that is one of the obvious reasons
17 for doing it. A lot of that air time would also be seen by
18 the mother -- normally the mother; it may be the father,
19 but it is more generally the mother, as well. So it begins
20 to help position McDonald's.
22 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What sort of new areas are we talking about?
24 MS. STEEL: New areas of operation where the company has not
25 been before.
27 THE WITNESS: Which is not the case now, my Lord. We are
28 totally national in this country.
30 MR. JUSTICE BELL: But the question was: "Why do you only
31 advertise to children in new areas", which I had understood
32 as a suggestion that, in a new area, you only advertise to
33 children; and you appeared to accept that?
34 A. That is correct. When we have gone into new areas,
35 some of the first advertising we have done has been
36 children.
38 Q. But how long ago? The question was in the present tense.
39 A. I said it was several years ago that we finished doing
40 that particular approach, because we are now all over the
41 country.
43 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I may have misunderstood. Were you meaning
44 to put----
46 MS. STEEL: The question I was asking was: if they move into a
47 new area, is that a tactic?
49 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I think there may have been a
50 misunderstanding. Put the question again.
52 MS. STEEL: If you move into a new area, is it the case that
53 frequently you would advertise only to children?
54 A. I can answer that by clarifying what you mean by "new
55 area". I think that is where we went wrong. If we were to
56 open a new restaurant, somewhere in Wales maybe, then the
57 answer is, no, we would not just advertise to children.
59 Q. A new region?
60 A. If there was a new market, a whole new region which did