Day 048 - 08 Nov 94 - Page 09
1 figures for advertising or would that include promotions,
2 as well?
3 A. It would be advertising, but it would also include the
4 advertising of promotions.
6 Q. But it would not include expenditure on ronald mcdonald's
7 live appearances, or things of that nature?
8 A. No.
10 Q. What category would cinema advertising come under?
11 A. We would normally count that pretty much separately. We
12 do not do much cinema.
14 Q. Because on page 5 of the bundle, it says:
16 "Generally, there are four categories of media advertising
17 in which McDonald's participates: (1) is television air
18 time; (2) is radio air time; (3) press space and magazine
19 space; and (4) is outdoor advertising."
21 So you would say there would be a separate one for cinema?
22 A. Yes. I mean, generally, they are the ones that we
23 major in. Every now and again, we would go into cinema.
24 It is not something we do on a regular basis.
26 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Is that something which is done locally, at
27 all?
28 A. No. It normally comes out of the national budget.
30 MS. STEEL: When you are doing a promotion such as the one with
31 The Lion King, do you advertise during the cinema showings
32 of the film, or not?
33 A. It is possible to do that, yes, and sometimes we do,
34 sometimes we do not.
36 Q. Are you doing it for The Lion King promotion?
37 A. I do not think we are, no.
39 Q. I think you said that the key medium for advertising with
40 McDonald's was television?
41 A. Yes.
43 Q. That is right; yes? Is that because television has the
44 greatest effect, or----
45 A. It is our belief, yes, that television is the most
46 powerful advertising medium.
48 Q. There are some areas, are there not, where you only
49 advertise to children or where you have only advertised to
50 children on television -- some areas of the country?
51 A. In the early days. That is not case now.
53 Q. So when did that stop?
54 A. I am not sure of the exact date. It would have been --
55 I would imagine that probably in Scotland was the last time
56 we achieved that, and that would be several years ago now.
58 Q. Do you think there is anything wrong with only advertising
59 to children?
60 A. No. I do not, no.