Day 045 - 03 Nov 94 - Page 51
1 Q. The third paragraph up, fourth paragraph down.
2 A. I think that that is true. I do not have the actual
3 numbers for salads, but I do not believe that -- I believe
4 they peaked within a year of two after they were introduced
5 and have been not unsteady, but relative even to a small
6 decline.
8 MR. RAMPTON: I am sorry. I do not mean to be discourteous, but
9 it may help at this stage. One sees a salad comparison at
10 page 234, which confirms the statement in the text,
11 I believe, if I have understood it correctly. It confirms
12 what the witness has said. It is a series of sideways
13 columns, and seems to suggest that 1988 was doing better
14 than 1991.
16 MR. JUSTICE BELL: The leaflet which is complained about in this
17 case, the alleged publications which are complained about,
18 are 1989 to 1990. So we can look at these diagrams and get
19 some picture of the extent of change over a period which
20 covers those two years.
22 THE WITNESS: Yes. I think the last time this study was done
23 was in 1988, or around then. Part of the study
24 compares-----
26 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I am merely making a point which is no doubt
27 obvious to everyone, that the period we are most directly
28 concerned with is probably slap in the middle between 1988
29 and the 1991 survey.
31 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, there may be an even better chart on
32 page 232. I do not know.
34 THE WITNESS: Yes. That probably is the most illuminating
35 chart.
37 MS. STEEL: I am sure if I had just got up, or if it had been
38 the other way round and we had got up to point out
39 something when Mr. Rampton was on a different page, I am
40 quite sure that he would have objected very strongly.
42 MR. JUSTICE BELL: If he had, I would not have had much sympathy
43 with him, I have to say, because, in the light of the
44 answer which Mr. Green gave, I now see that page 232 does
45 give some more detailed information.
47 MS. STEEL: I am trying to go through this in order. I had
48 asked a question, and it has now got lost.
50 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I think it was an attempt to be helpful.
52 MS. STEEL: (To the witness) Has advertising of salads remained
53 constant since they were introduced?
54 A. Yes, relatively. I mean, we do a lot of different
55 kinds of advertising for different subject matters.
56 I think salads were advertised at their heaviest when
57 introduced and then have been at a lower level since they
58 were introduced.
60 Q. They are not advertised as much as, say, your Big Mac, or