Day 045 - 03 Nov 94 - Page 50
1 well; one might be with a chicken sandwich, there might be
2 one with a salad. But usually they are combinations of
3 things. In the majority, the combinations are a hamburger
4 sandwich or french fry and drink. They are called "combos"
5 because they are, essentially, advertised in that way.
7 Q. Advertised in that way -- sorry -- did you say?
8 A. Yes, advertised in that way.
10 Q. It goes on to say: "Most combo meals include the large
11 sandwich variety...." Is that right?
12 A. Yes.
14 Q. Is that something that you advertise, or you aim
15 advertising at, as well?
16 A. We do have advertising against combinations, and the
17 majority of them are large sandwiches.
19 MR. JUSTICE BELL: The price of the combination tends to cost
20 less than the total price of the individual components?
21 A. Yes. Again, it is a la carte versus a combination
22 meal.
24 MS. STEEL: On page 209 it says:
26 "Based on the trended results of this research study, the
27 1991 story is not as positive as that from previous years.
28 McDonald's does have reason for concern regarding growth of
29 its customer base.
31 "Overall, per capita usage is down compared to the mid/late
32 80's. In addition, heavy usage of McDonald's has
33 declined."
35 Is that something that McDonald's is particularly concerned
36 about, that heavy usage has declined?
37 A. Again, from the perspective that I understand that,
38 that indicates the competitive nature of the industry; and,
39 yes, we would be concerned that our competition was getting
40 a higher share.
42 Q. Do you know whether that is the case, or do you know
43 whether it might be that people are using fast-food
44 restaurants less?
45 A. No. I believe that it is the case that it is
46 competition. All the numbers that I have substantiate
47 that, yes.
49 Q. Where have you seen those numbers?
50 A. When you look at market share numbers for the
51 competition, you see that our competition----
53 Q. It is increasing?
54 A. ----has grown.
56 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It says there: "Salads, which were added in
57 1987, have low penetration and this year have lost even
58 more attraction."
59 A. Yes.