Day 045 - 03 Nov 94 - Page 44
1 tab 45?
3 MS. STEEL: Yes, I am.
5 (To the witness) This document, this analysis, what is the
6 purpose of doing this?
7 A. Well, it pretty much is a report that is done
8 periodically that establishes who McDonald's customers are
9 and, in general, what they eat at McDonald's.
11 Q. This one is dated 1991. So how often are they done?
12 A. They are done every two or three years. In fact, this
13 was the last one that was done.
15 Q. What is the purpose of doing it?
16 A. I think I said it is to describe who are McDonald's
17 customers, what their profile is and what, in general, they
18 eat at McDonald's.
20 Q. Yes, but for what purpose?
21 A. It is to help us understand our customer profile, so
22 that we will be able to better market to them.
24 Q. Right. So this is to help you marketing and advertising
25 both to customers who already are regular users of
26 McDonald's, as well as people you would seek to persuade to
27 come to McDonald's instead of others?
28 A. Yes. It helps us target our messages as to those that
29 would be the best group to target to come into McDonald's.
31 Q. That, you have found, is the super heavy user?
32 A. Yes. The super heavy user is the one who already goes
33 out and participates in quick service restaurants.
35 Q. Including, I think you said, going to McDonald's already?
36 A. Yes; to reinforce that they continue to come to
37 McDonald's, and we want to convince those that do not come
38 to McDonald's to come to McDonald's.
40 Q. Those that are coming to McDonald's, you would like them to
41 come even more often?
42 A. We would like to get a bigger share of their quick
43 service restaurants visits, yes.
45 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Where I read in that report that, for
46 instance, on page 206, second paragraph under the title at
47 the top of the page: "It should be noted, however, that
48 only 22% of McDonald's customers are heavy users", I should
49 read into that heavy users or super heavy users?
50 A. Yes. It would be everything above that. Again, this
51 would be customers and it would have nothing to do with
52 visit volume efforts.
54 MS. STEEL: Could we just turn to page 203?
55 A. Yes.
57 Q. "The typical McDonald's customer visits McDonald's for a
58 'main meal.'"
59 A. Can you point me to where you are reading from?