Day 042 - 31 Oct 94 - Page 02
1 Monday, October 31st, 1994.
3 MS. STEEL: We have been given another document this morning.
4 I was not sure whether Mr. Rampton was going to mention it,
5 that was all.
7 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, I was not, because it is for Mr. Green
8 tomorrow. If your Lordship would like to have it now-----
10 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Hand it up to me, unless you think it may be
11 used with-----
13 MR. RAMPTON: It has one of Mrs. Brinley-Codd's messages on it,
14 to tell your Lordship where it goes. It is similar to the
15 one that Mr. Hawkes produced for this country.
17 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes. I will put it, as suggested, behind
18 Mr. Green.
20 MR. MORRIS: I have two documents here which I am not sure if
21 you have. There was the Diet, Nutrition and Cancer, green
22 book, which I think you asked for.
24 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes. In fact, I have some of it here, but
25 I think I had a complete copy in the end, did I not, or the
26 extra pages which you wanted me to have?
28 MR. MORRIS: If you want it, you can have this. This is a spare
29 copy of the book.
31 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Thank you.
33 MR. MORRIS: Also, there were extracts to the Behind the Arches
34 book, which I was not sure, in the end, whether you got
35 given a copy or not.
37 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I have the book, or I did have it, but
38 Mr. Hawkes has it at the moment, because I lent it to him
39 while you were referring to parts.
41 MR. MORRIS: So that is your copy?
43 MR. JUSTICE BELL: That is my copy.
45 MR. MORRIS: There is an extra copy of the sections, then, which
46 we have.
48 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Thank you. I am content with my copy of the
49 book, which will come back to me in due course. If you are
50 cross-examining on it any further, either with Mr. Hawkes
51 or with any other witness, I suggest you use the
52 photocopies, and I will keep my hardback.
54 MR. HAWKES, Recalled
55 Cross-examined by the Defendants, Continued
57 MS. STEEL: Just some general questions, Mr. Hawkes. How much
58 does McDonald's spend on advertising and promotions in
59 total in this country?
60 A. In this country? Well, for last year, we are talking