Day 041 - 28 Oct 94 - Page 62

     1        other day?  If the fact is you are not as organised as you
     2        would like to be, I would, quite frankly, much rather that
     3        you said so.
     5   MR. MORRIS:  I do not think -- that is not the issue.  We are
     6        covering matters that we wish to cover and I object
     7        strongly to Mr. Rampton's comments.  Basically, it seems
     8        what he is objecting to is us making progress.  We do not
     9        necessarily do it in the same way that he does.  It strikes
    10        me today we have made a lot of progress that may have had
    11        had to wait until Monday if we had not brought up this
    12        questions today.  I think it would be good if we did break
    13        off-----
    15   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Think about what I have said this afternoon.
    16        You see, generalities can often be put in one or two
    17        pertinent questions.  Having got the generality out of the
    18        way in may be three or four questions, you can then
    19        concentrate on the specifics and probing on the specifics.
    20        Apart from anything else, it does not help you if I do not
    21        understand where you are going on one particular point.
    23   MR. MORRIS:  If I may, with respect, say that if we look back at
    24        the last 10 weeks of the trial, I think it would be fair to
    25        say that we have always been going somewhere, even if
    26        sometimes it takes longer than other times.  We have not
    27        gone down the road that was never ending anywhere-----
    29   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I am not commenting on that.  What you should
    30        be able do though is explain to me fairly simply what
    31        particular matter you are aiming at.  When you are on a
    32        generality you must have in mind some particular area that
    33        you are aiming at.  Do you understand that?
    35   MR. MORRIS:  Yes-----
    37   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  You should be able to explain it to me, so
    38        that if I think that we are wandering away from the issues,
    39        you can in a couple of sentences say:  "Well, we are not in
    40        fact because what we have in mind is this, that or the
    41        other".
    43        If I may say so, I am particularly conscious of it now we
    44        have moved into what might be a largely discreet area like
    45        advertising.  We have moved for the moment away from a very
    46        large and really quite complex area, namely nutrition, into
    47        an area where one can see a handful of important issues
    48        which you will be able to pick out of the leaflet, pick out
    49        of your own witnesses' statements and put to McDonald's
    50        witnesses. 
    52   MR. MORRIS:  Can I just say that the Plaintiffs have set aside 
    53        two days for this particular witness.  I do not think we
    54        should be put under pressure to miss out things that we
    55        think are important.  I am not saying you are doing that,
    56        but am just saying that Mr. Rampton's interjections seem to
    57        be that anything as from now is a waste of time, "Let us
    58        get this all out of the way and we can all go home",
    59        whatever his interjection was.  Basically, I think it is
    60        unfair for us to be put under pressure and we do get under

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