Day 041 - 28 Oct 94 - Page 61

     1        as you can get.  But some of the other things, you see, are
     2        just questions about McDonald's and advertising.
     4   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.  Before we go into further questions, the
     5        leaflet, as everybody knows, covers quite a broad spectrum
     6        of which the 16 points have been distilled by the
     7        Plaintiffs, and they always argue they have to be read in
     8        context.  It strikes me a large part of the leaflet is
     9        precisely about McDonald's attempt to project an image,
    10        quite apart from whether their food is healthy or
    11        unhealthy.  How they do this is very, very important to our
    12        case-----
    14   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes, but remember you have a specific witness
    15        in the witness box.  What you are trying to do is get
    16        matters from him.  You do not have to press him about the
    17        power of advertising in order to market your goods; you can
    18        really take that as read and Mr. Hawkes has made several
    19        answers about that, that it is, effectively, a powerful
    20        tool or can be properly used.
    22        What you have to be aiming at is the parts of it which you
    23        say in the hands of McDonald's can be criticised in the way
    24        the leaflet criticises them.   Please accept this as an
    25        effort to help you; if you are going to score points in
    26        this arena, it is by concentrating on that that you will
    27        score points rather than in a much more general approach.
    29   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.  As you have probably seen, my approach is
    30        initially to start off with generalities and then basically
    31        get down to specifics-----
    33   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I am concerned about you starting off with
    34        generalities, unless I can see that they are moving towards
    35        the specifics.
    37   MS. STEEL:  I had actually worked out a number of specific
    38        questions, but because there was a new video (and I may
    39        want to ask questions about that) I did not really want to
    40        put all those questions this afternoon, seeing as we are
    41        going to have to come back on Monday in any event.  So, it
    42        has kind of like put us out of kilter in terms of what we
    43        plan to do.  The points that Mr. Morris are making are
    44        areas that we did want to cover in any event.
    46   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, I am simply not content with that.  I do
    47        not see why my clients should sit here and pay for
    48        Mr. Morris' enthusiasm and love of generalities.  If the
    49        Defendants want to filibuster, let them do it in their own
    50        time.  Let us break up now, I say, and come back on Monday 
    51        morning so that this witness does not waste his time, your 
    52        Lordship does not waste your time and we do not waste our 
    53        money.
    55        Mr. Morris, so far as I can tell, seems to see some kind of
    56        long term obligation to bat through to stumps every time he
    57        gets up on his feet.  Frankly, I do object most strongly to
    58        it-----
    60   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Do you remember I said something to you the

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