Day 041 - 28 Oct 94 - Page 59
1 McDonald's. It does not work in the same way. The family
2 relationship changes. They have not got -- they are not
3 averse to it; it is just they are not as brand loyal as the
4 earlier age group can be or the later age group can be.
6 Q. You gauge your customers' views on the company; is that
7 correct?
8 A. Yes.
10 Q. Do you also gauge their views on advertising, ask them
11 about adverts?
12 A. We do. We have done. We do not do a lot of that, to
13 be honest.
15 Q. Do you really know what your customers think about
16 McDonald's?
17 A. Yes.
19 Q. How can you be sure?
20 A. Because they tell us through the research.
22 Q. In the Independent today it mentions a survey in 1991, it
23 says: "An exhaustive survey conducted in 1991" -- I will
24 just see if I can refresh your mind, it says -- "'What they
25 told us was horrifying', said Paul Preston, loud, brash,
26 American, successful, complacent, uncaring, insensitive,
27 disciplinarian, insincere, suspicious and arrogant". There
28 are a lot of very dramatic words there. What kind of
29 questionnaire would that have been?
30 A. What we did, it was -- those words did not particularly
31 come out as such. This is a shorthand way of describing
32 it-----
34 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Let us get it straight. That, if it is the
35 same as the Time's reports (and I recognise the adjectives)
36 is a report of a speech or talk that Mr. Preston gave to a
37 particular body, what was it, yesterday?
38 A. I think it was, yes.
40 Q. So that is purporting to quote Mr. Preston referring to the
41 research?
42 A. No. I understand those words were used in the report
43 was made from the research company.
45 Q. Yes.
46 A. But it was a distillation of -----
48 Q. That is Mr. Preston's distillation?
49 A. No, it was the research company's distillation.
51 Q. I see, so he was quoting them?
52 A. Yes.
54 MR. MORRIS: What was the name of the research company, do you
55 know?
56 A. I would be guessing -- no, off the top my head, I do
57 not know.
59 Q. You have seen a copy of that report, have you?
60 A. Yes, back in 1991, yes. What it was, was a very, very