Day 041 - 28 Oct 94 - Page 58
1 MR. MORRIS: So these "between ads", for example, the ones that
2 are -- sorry, you show ads to young children and you show
3 ads to adults in the 7.00 to 9.00 main peak times, yes?
4 A. Yes.
6 Q. Do you ever show ads at other times, for example, between,
7 I do not know, 5.00 to 7.00 or something?
8 A. It does not work -- again media does not work that
9 way. The TV audience is not that discrete. It is fairly
10 discrete as far as younger children is concerned, but the
11 minute you get into the evening time, whilst we may say we
12 are trying to purchase a particular target, in fact, you
13 reach everyone, but it is with that adult advertising.
15 Q. So the adverts that are not aimed at, say, single adults
16 but are aimed at families, yes -- some of your adverts are
17 aimed at families, yes, as we have seen; is that correct?
18 A. Yes.
20 Q. Rather than just at young children or just at old adults,
21 single adults -- you nodded but you did not say "yes"?
22 A. Sorry-----
24 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I think again he is waiting for your
25 question, you see.
27 MR. MORRIS: So, the adverts that are aimed at families, that
28 are aimed at the members of those families as a whole; is
29 that correct?
30 A. Can I explain that to you, because we have family
31 values and we advertise to the family as an entity. That
32 may mean that we do see commercials where you see the whole
33 family, the nuclear family, in the commercial but, equally,
34 that family are individuals. So, they may be out shopping
35 or they may be doing something individually. You would be
36 able to take one of those out and show them using
37 McDonald's in that particular way. But, the family values
38 around the advertising would still exist.
40 Q. So, is that the mechanism where you communicate through
41 your ads to the "betweens"? Do you know what I mean? I am
42 trying to find out where in your advertising you are
43 actually communicating to that age group that are kind of
44 indefinable. Would that be that medium?
45 A. The reason it is difficult to find is that we do not do
46 much of it.
48 Q. No. Those family ads that are geared to those individuals
49 that it portrays, which includes the "betweens", or
50 whatever, the eight to 15 year-olds, is that where you get
51 your message through to that particular section of the
52 population?
53 A. Not really. That is not the main reason for the
54 advertising. They would be seeing themselves in the
55 commercials and, therefore, they can say: "I'm in that
56 commercial". Whether they really feel it is relevant to
57 them or not is another matter for the reasons I have
58 explained.
60 At that age they do not pester their parents to go to