Day 041 - 28 Oct 94 - Page 39
1 see it coming back to me with interest". Is that all fair
2 comment?
3 A. Yes, I would agree with that.
5 Q. "Of course, it comes back in different forms and that may
6 be the reason a begrudger cannot appreciate it. He has a
7 narrow vision that allows him to see income only in terms
8 of cash in his register. Income for me can appear in other
9 ways. One of the nicest of them is a satisfied smile on
10 the face of a customer". Is that reasonable?
11 A. Yes.
13 Q. "That is worth a lot because it means that he is coming
14 back and he will probably bring a friend. A child who
15 loves our TV commercials and brings her grandparents to a
16 McDonald's gives us two more customers. This is a direct
17 benefit generated by advertising dollars". Is that all?
18 A. Yes.
20 Q. "But the begrudger has a hard time appreciating this. He
21 wants to have his cake and eat it too". Apart from the
22 "having his cake and eating it too" (which I do not quite
23 understand) is that all fair comment?
24 A. Yes, I think so.
26 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You agree with that, do you?
27 A. Yes, I think that is perfectly sound.
29 MR. MORRIS: That, I believe, was in, whenever it was -- it was
30 obviously before he died -- 1984. But that kind of
31 approach, would you say that was something which
32 underwrites how you spend your money and your strategy,
33 that kind of philosophy?
34 A. In simplistic terms -- I mean, obviously that is just
35 one part of the bigger equation, but I do not have any
36 problem with those words.
38 Q. You said before this morning that when you were
39 establishing a new product or, in fact, establishing the
40 company here, you had to put a lot more money into Ronald
41 McDonald at that time to establish him. Is that correct?
42 A. Yes.
44 Q. Because it was unknown?
45 A. That is right.
47 Q. When you are establishing a whole new section in a country
48 where there is no McDonald's, presumably, advertising has a
49 very important role at that time?
50 A. Yes, it does.
52 Q. I am going to quote to you now from a book called "Behind
53 the Arches" by John Love. Are you aware of this book?
54 A. Yes, I am aware of it.
56 Q. Are you aware it is an authorised book by the company?
57 A. Yes.
59 Q. Do they distribute it to people sometimes?
60 A. Not that I am aware of.