Day 041 - 28 Oct 94 - Page 34

     1   Q.   The ----?
     2        A.  A different department.
     4   Q.   Amongst the people who are coming to court to give evidence
     5        about the British McDonald's is Mr. Ed Oakley.  Will he
     6        know about that?
     7        A.  He should do; he is responsible for the Communications
     8        Department, yes.
    10   Q.   One final matter, Mr. Hawkes:  Is there an abstract up
    11        there -- yet another piece of paper?  We are going to give
    12        you another file, my Lord.  This is the abstract.  (Handed)
    13          Can I ask you a preliminary question, Mr. Hawkes?
    14        I notice, from looking at that last table we looked at,
    15        that the total media expenditure of McDonald's in this
    16        country for 1992 was roughly £21.7 million.
    17        A.  Yes.
    19   Q.   No -- sorry, that was for adults so, if you add on the kids
    20        as well, that is roughly £25 million for 1992.  Does that
    21        include what is spent locally by franchisees or store
    22        managers or not?
    23        A.  No, it would not be; that would be the national media
    24        expenditure.
    26   Q.   In this document, can you please turn to the fourth tab,
    27        section 4?
    29   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Could I just ask, is there any rule of thumb
    30        which we can apply to the figures to see how much is
    31        television advertising?  The witness statements I have read
    32        really seem to me to concentrate almost entirely on
    33        television advertising.
    34        A.  The majority of our budget does go on television
    35        advertising.  It will vary, but it has to be up around the
    36        90 per cent of the media element of the budget would be on
    37        television; that kind of figure.
    39   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, the figures, the breakdown is to be found
    40        in pink VII for, for example, 1992 at tab 17.  It might be
    41        worth your Lordship having a look at that because it
    42        confirms what Mr. Hawkes was just saying.  Page 349 of the
    43        bundle.  It is the McDonald's Restaurant 1992 Media.  One
    44        can see television advertising is far and away the heaviest
    45        item of expenditure.  It is followed by radio.  Mr. Hawkes,
    46        you do not have this document at the moment, but it says
    47        that £16.5 million was spent on adults' advertising, or the
    48        budget was that; for children's it was 2.7; for radio the
    49        total budget, presumably adults as well as children, was
    50        2.8 million.  Are those sort of right? 
    51        A.  They sound about the right kind of ratio, yes. 
    53   Q.   Nothing else got much over half a million, as far as I can
    54        tell.  Tab 4 of this file, Mr. Hawkes, is called
    55        "Advertising", is it?
    56        A.  Yes, it is.
    58   Q.   If you turn to page 3 -- the page numbers are at the top --
    59        you will see in the third paragraph there are only two
    60        items in this document which concern the United Kingdom

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