Day 041 - 28 Oct 94 - Page 23
1 MR. RAMPTON: No, because these are court proceedings.
3 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Presumably, it is your clients' own copyright
4 in any event.
6 MR. RAMPTON: I had not thought of that, but probably it is.
7 All I would say is this: I am resistant to the defendants'
8 evident enthusiasm for spending McDonald's money. If it
9 can be done quickly and cheaply, certainly we will do it.
10 I do not believe we have an obligation to do it. All we
11 have an obligation to do is to disclose documents which the
12 Defendants are at liberty to inspect and take copies of at
13 their expense or to have us take copies of at their
14 expense.
16 MS. STEEL: The Plaintiffs should be aware that if we are going
17 to start to pay for documents, then they will not get them
18 back. That is precisely the order they asked for.
20 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I can always be asked to modify the order of,
21 is it, Mr. Justice Drake in that respect.
23 MR. RAMPTON: Yes.
25 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Either generally or with regard to specific
26 documents. The way I think at the moment -- I am not
27 deciding anything; if there is going to be an argument
28 I will make a formal ruling, if need be -- I might not
29 necessarily be impressed that the Defendants should be
30 provided with two copies because they are two Defendants.
31 I do see some practical advantage in them having a copy for
32 their use and a copy which their witnesses can look through
33 and play back and play forward again at their convenience,
34 as much as anything to save time within the next two weeks.
36 MR. RAMPTON: Yes.
38 MR. JUSTICE BELL: So, I would like the enquiry to be made to
39 see whether it is difficult and costly or not.
41 MR. RAMPTON: If I have to argue it, I will. I will argue it if
42 it turns out to be expensive and inconvenient for my
43 clients.
45 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Let us find whether it is costly or not.
46 Perhaps I could ask you. (To the witness): You spend some
47 of your time looking at video tapes of proposed ads, past
48 ads and, it would not surprise me, competitors' ads and so
49 on. Are there ready means of copying? Do you have one in
50 your office where you can copy tapes?
51 A. We do not, but I am pretty certain our advertising
52 agency would.
54 Q. They would do that to be helpful, would they?
55 A. Just in my experience, if you wanted to tape from that
56 particular video tape, then you could do it in the manner
57 you suggested. The quality would not be very good. If you
58 were to go back to the originals and independently and
59 individually put each one on one tape, that is quite
60 expensive.