Day 041 - 28 Oct 94 - Page 22
1 MR. JUSTICE BELL: If she is short she must have it beforehand.
2 Let us leave it there for the moment. Have a discussion
3 when we break at one o'clock and we can come back to it
4 this afternoon.
6 MS. STEEL: There is a point I want to make. According to the
7 trial bundles, the only documents listed -- the only videos
8 listed are a sample of children's advertising in the US and
9 a sample of children's advertising in the UK. There is
10 nothing about adults listed there. I am certain we have
11 not had any adult television.
13 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Take it up with Mrs. Brinley-Codd or Mr. Hill
14 over the break.
16 MR. MORRIS: Can I just say, I think it would be good if all the
17 tapes are shown, whether it is suitable to do it now or
18 this afternoon or whenever you feel best. But I think it
19 is important to show all the tapes.
21 MR. JUSTICE BELL: There are two ways of doing that. You,
22 Mr. Rampton -- I am not talking about the American ones at
23 this stage -- if the Defendants want to play anything which
24 has been broadcast in America so that they can ask
25 Mr. Hawkes about it, then there we are. If they are
26 content that they can take it up with Mr. Green and not
27 both with Mr. Hawkes and Mr. Green, so much the better; or,
28 when we come to cross-examination, they can obviously ask
29 that anything be shown which you have chosen not to show on
30 the basis that you want to found some cross-examination on
31 it. If it is not shown in either of those contexts, but
32 you want me to see them so that you can make some comment,
33 then I will see them. If you wish, I will watch them in
34 open court rather than just take them home and play them on
35 my own machine.
37 So, that is the choice. Mr. Rampton can introduce them
38 in-chief, you can introduce them in cross-examination or
39 they can be played as a platform for comment in due course
40 without asking the witness about them. Whichever course is
41 taken, they can also be shown again at the end of the case
42 if you want to make some comment then which depends upon me
43 seeing them again.
45 MR. MORRIS: I want to make one further point, which is that we
46 would request two copies, one per defendant, of any
47 relevant documents in the case, including videos. Although
48 I do not have a video machine, I can go to a neighbour and
49 watch it there. Also it means we have a spare copy to lend
50 to our witnesses so we still have a copy we can look at.
52 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What is the position in relation to that,
53 Mr. Rampton? I think we should find out how much it costs
54 to do these. I would not be surprised if there is not a
55 machine -- I do not have one myself -- where you just put a
56 tape in and a blank and it automatically transfers one to
57 the other. Of course, they are not normally for sale
58 because they are an invitation to breach of copyright, but
59 we do not have that problem here.