Day 041 - 28 Oct 94 - Page 12
2 Q. For that period?
3 A. Yes.
5 Q. So far as you are aware, have any of these proportions
6 changed significantly since then?
7 A. Not greatly -- no, not that I am aware.
9 Q. The question I have about this chart is this: Does
10 McDonald's see itself as competing for customers and sales
11 with the whole of this sector of the market, the quick
12 service restaurant market or not?
13 A. Yes, we do.
15 Q. Would you therefore hope that you might attract customers
16 from, for example, the fish and chip sector of this market?
17 A. Yes. I mean, fish and chips is considerably bigger than
18 us actually in terms of numbers of outlets and their
19 percentage share of market and, yes, we would be trying to
20 take some business from that category.
22 Q. So thus far, am I right that what you are saying is, "We,
23 McDonald's, would like to take customers away from Burger
24 King and Wimpey and any other people who sell hamburgers,
25 but also from pizza houses, fish and chip shops, Chinese
26 and Indian take-away outlets and fried chicken, including
27 Kentucky Fried Chicken"?
28 A. That is true, yes. Anyone in the fast food business we
29 would be trying to take business from.
31 Q. Again, this is all related to the purpose and perceived
32 effects of advertising you understand. Turn over yet one
33 further page back where we see the market shares enjoyed by
34 the total eating out of home market?
35 A. Yes.
37 Q. We see of that burger houses have 8 per cent; pizza places
38 6 per cent; fish and chips 15 per cent; Chinese
39 take-away/delivery 12; Indian the same 3; fried chicken and
40 other fast foods 4; there is a red line, do you see that?
41 A. Yes.
43 Q. In both columns, I was reading from the right-hand column,
44 the middle complete column; we see at that period they had
45 48 per cent of the market of the quick service restaurants
46 and in the later period they had increased their share by 2
47 per cent, do you see that?
48 A. Yes.
50 Q. I want you to look at -- I am still in the middle column --
51 the rest of it. There are some mauve entries, 6 per cent
52 for hotels; 2 per cent for steaks and carveries; 2 per cent
53 for Chinese restaurants where people eat in the restaurant;
54 the same for Indian 3 per cent; other restaurants 10
55 per cent; pubs and bars get 15 per cent; motorway and
56 roadside establishments get 1 per cent.
58 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It just shows how figures may be rather
59 different to what one would expect. I suppose it depends
60 upon your own experience. So, there is only 1 per cent on