Day 041 - 28 Oct 94 - Page 10
1 accident and insurance payments, the advertising is over 30
2 per cent of the turnover, the sales?
3 A. That is correct, yes.
5 Q. Look at, for example, breakfast cereal which has a No. 25
6 against it, just over halfway down that column?
7 A. Yes.
9 Q. Have you found that?
10 A. Yes.
12 Q. It appears overall they spend over 10 per cent of their
13 sales on advertising?
14 A. That is right.
16 Q. Then at the top of the next column we see that cinema
17 spends about 10 and a half per cent and cleaners, scourers
18 and detergents household -- it sounds like the Army --
19 spend over 40 per cent ----
20 A. That is correct.
22 Q. -- in advertising. Have you had a chance to consider this
23 document?
24 A. Yes, I have, yes.
26 Q. How do you think -- we can all do the sums for ourselves --
27 that McDonald's five per cent of sales spent on advertising
28 compares overall with what I might call "big players" in
29 the domestic consumer market?
30 A. I think we would be average and maybe slightly below
31 average in terms of the total of our money we spend as a
32 percentage.
34 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I notice on page 139, about 10 items up,
35 there is "pastry, pizza and other cereal, frozen" which is
36 just under five per cent. So, it is in the same area as
37 you say you are if these figures are accurate. Is there
38 anything else which might be comparable to your field of
39 operation?
40 A. Directly ----
42 Q. We can look later, I suppose.
44 MR. RAMPTON: Yes, we can. One notices "laxatives" at the top
45 of the right-hand column on the second page.
47 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Whose side are you on, Mr. Rampton! It is
48 just something which would relate to fast foods?
49 A. Yes, it is difficult because these are total product
50 categories and they would, I would imagine, include home
51 use as well on the pizza side, etc. But, really, in terms
52 of just browsing through these, the five per cent that we
53 spend does not seem to be exceptional in any way.
55 MR. RAMPTON: Can you turn back to the first table? We have
56 some actual names, actual figures. I do not believe,
57 Mr. Hawkes -- you will correct me if I am wrong -- there is
58 anything directly comparable to McDonald's in that table
59 which is the one outlined in black. But one does see, does
60 one not, that all of those companies named there, one sees