Day 041 - 28 Oct 94 - Page 02
1 Friday, 28th October 1994.
3 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, before I call Mr. John Hawkes, I wonder
4 if I might hand up some documents? The first two are
5 administrative. One is a reworked proposed new schedule.
6 The other is a continuation of the lavendar coloured
7 diary. The other documents are documents relating to the
8 evidence of Mr. Hawkes and in due course to the evidence of
9 Mr. Fairgrieve when he returns. The first document is a
10 list of the television advertisements.
12 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes, I do not think I have been handed that.
13 I have the timetable and the diary.
15 MR. RAMPTON: Yes, my Lord. I have them here. I will just say
16 what they are. I will hand them up. Mrs. Brinley-Codd has
17 put post-its on them with the exception of the list of
18 television advertisements. (Handed)
20 The other two Hawkes' documents, if I can call them that,
21 are first of all a table showing the ratios of advertising
22 expenditure to overall sales within categories of
23 products. The second one is a selection of particular
24 companies' products and the ratio which their advertisement
25 expenditure bears to their turnover expressed, I think,
26 both in figures and in percentages.
28 My Lord, there is an additional document which gives a
29 table showing McDonald's media expenditure from 86 to 92,
30 again both in figures, that is to say pounds and in
31 percentages, and split up between adults and children. My
32 Lord, that one is still here.
34 MR. MORRIS: We have not had that one.
36 MS. STEEL: Can I say for the record, I did not see these until
37 the morning because for some reason my set was delivered to
38 Mr. Morris; I do not know why, but that is no use to me.
40 MR. JUSTICE BELL: If that puts you in difficulty, let me know.
42 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, the other documents behind the blue
43 divider I do not think will be needed with Mr. Hawkes, but
44 they represent the product of the work, further work, which
45 Mr. Fairgrieve did in response to your Lordship's request.
46 I think Mrs. Brinley-Codd has suggested on one of her
47 post-its where they should be put.
49 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I think the safest thing would be -- it says
50 "behind J. Hawkes' statement", but should I also put it
51 behind Mr. Hayden's, in other words, at the back of that
52 section?
54 MR. RAMPTON: Yes, my Lord. That is the best place because to a
55 large extent Mr. Hawkes adopts what Mr. Hayden will say.
57 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Shall I put the other two sheets, the Total
58 Media Expenditure and the Children's History Take, there as
59 well?