Day 040 - 21 Oct 94 - Page 25
1 to drink a Cola product which is extremely acidic, and it
2 depends obviously on what other things you have digested
3 with that, it may be -- well, my recollection, and I am not
4 a doctor, but to the best of my recollection, the pH in a
5 human stomach ranges typically between two and three, but
6 that is an average. The distribution is, I understand,
7 rather wide and, in some cases, it is significantly lower,
8 and I am sure it would be significantly lower either for
9 someone who was prone to high levels of acid release or
10 who, as I indicated, had consumed something quite acidic,
11 like a Coke or Pepsi Cola.
13 Q. Or a glass of orange juice?
14 A. A glass of orange juice is not anything like as acidic
15 as a Cola.
17 Q. Anyway, you say between two and three on average. We will
18 have to see if we can find out. Can you turn over the
19 page, please, to page 282, left-hand column, 44 of the
20 text, first complete paragraph: "No adverse effects", do
21 you have that?
22 A. Oh, yes.
24 Q. "No adverse effects were seen when native Carrageenan was
25 administered to infant baboons (432 mg/kg body weight) and
26 to Rhesus monkeys (1300 mg/kg body weight) for 112 days and
27 12 weeks respectively."
28 A. Yes. I am looking back to see what size the groups of
29 baboons and monkeys were.
31 Q. I have done it this way so as to avoid having to read the
32 whole report.
33 A. But that certainly is what it says.
35 Q. Three males and three females Rhesus monkeys, that is page
36 278; infant baboons, I do not think we get the number. It
37 is on page 279. We do not get the number of animals.
38 A. No; a gap in the reporting. The monkeys, the Rhesus
39 monkeys, given on page 281, of 40, 19 male, 21 female.
41 Q. I will read on, if I may: "Rats and hamsters have been fed
42 five per cent Carrageenan for their lifetimes". This is
43 right, is it not? The ADI, Dr. Millstone, which is
44 recommended by these bodies is upon the hypothesis that a
45 human being might ingest that proportion of the substance
46 per kilogramme of his or her body weight for a lifetime of
47 70 years?
48 A. Yes, that is correct.
50 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What was it, .75 or .8? It varied, did it
51 not?
53 MR. RAMPTON: What was that, my Lord? I am sorry. There is no
54 ADI-----
55 A. There is not an ADI.
57 MR. JUSTICE BELL: That is quite right.
59 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, in the view of JECFA it is so unhazardous
60 that they do not specify an ADI, as I understand it.