witness statement

name: Elin Odlolien
section: Employment - CEA
for: The Defence
experience: Worker and Union organiser at a McDonald's store in Norway


The witness states how repeated calls for improved employment conditions were met with the same refusals and uncomprimising position by the licensee. The witnesses statement highlights the general approach towards employees.

'No, that's not the way things work at McDonald's. You're not good enough yet, but soon.'


Not available for this witness.

Full cv:
(not available for this witness)

full statement:

This is McDonald's

I have been employed at McDonalds Lillehammer since the start in December 1993. When the franchise licencee took over operations at the restaurant he established worse working conditions. Night and weekend extra pay were taken away. No one received overtime pay.

The crew housing was bad, and the working schedules were a mess.

We got together and joined the Union. A collective agreement was reached and one would expect things to settle down, they sure didn't. Night and weekend extra pay was paid, but "what about overtime pay" we asked.

'No that's not the way things work at McDonald's. Here you are paid only by the hour,' was the answer.

'No, that's not the way things work at McDonald's. We can't have working schedules like that', was the answer.

'No, that's not the way things work at McDonald's. You're not good enough yet, but soon.' Was the answer.

'No, that's not the way things work at McDonalds. We have got our own detergents,' was the answer.

So it doesn't matter if things get clean or not.

Meetings alone with the boss are used to manipulate employees if problems arose.

date signed: October 30th, 1995
status: Statement read in court under the Civil Evidence Act
references: Not applicable/available

exhibits: Not applicable/ available

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