David A. Dudley-Boyden
Employee McDonald's, Indiana, 1984 - 1989
The witness supplies Anti-Union sentiments observed at McDonalds
Employee McDonald's, Indiana, 1984 - 1989
Full cv:
(not available for this witness)
full statement:
I was employed by McDonald's in Portage, Indiana, USA, from
September of 1984 through July of 1989.
During this time, I
spoke vith fellow employees (in a Jocose manner, although--
in my own mind--I actually took the matter quite seriously)
about organizing ourselves and forming a union at McDonald's.
I was overheard by a manager and warned very sternly, in no
uncertain terms, that such talk (even if conducted in a
tongue-in-cheek fashion) would lead to the termination of my
employment. In fact, the manager made it clear that a person
had been fired in the past for enunciating union sympathies.
date signed:
April 15, 1995
Statement read out in court
references: Not applicable/ available
exhibits: Not applicable/ available
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