- McDonalds Workers -

Re: The sides are capitalism and workers? Really?? Perhaps not for a nitwit!

Posted by: The Nit Nurse ( UK ) on June 11, 1996 at 14:16:37:

In Reply to: Re: The sides are capitalism and workers? Really?? Perhaps not for a nitwit! posted by Siamak on June 05, 1996 at 17:53:37:

>> Got it now...Socialist Worker Party? Revolutionary Communist Party?
>> Arise comrades! The revolution is coming! Strike a blow for the proletariat!

> Sorry? Did I say that anywhere?

The rhetoric is familiar. Do I need to quote your 'global socio-economic
system' diatribe and how we must unite to 'campaign for a
total change'?.. or the rant about the 'capitalist world' and the liberal
peppering of 'workers' throughout your posting... or the fact that you
see organisations like McSpotlight and workers organisations such
as the TU 'useful' - 'useful' for what?

> Oh I see, it's ok for you to ascribe to me
> what I have not said but you get all agitated and upset for me allegedly having done
> the same thing to you.

Stop dodging the issue. You're the one that stuck up the
peurile subject line about this being part of some holy crusade
involving 'workers' and 'capitalists', not I.

> double standards on the issue of McD Vs other low paid workers.
> It's nice to see you showing some consistency at least in one respect! Only kidding ;-)

I have shown consistence, I have consistently said that your concern
for McDs workers is disingenuous and just a piece political
posturing to further your wider political aims. Now that I've shown it
to be such, your getting a trifle miffed and claim I'm being inconsistent!!

>>> And this is where organisations
>>> like McSpotlight play an important role.

>> Yes of course. Their role is that of convenient vehicles for every
>> 'has-been' communist revolutionaries with an agenda of world revolution
>> and similar hackneyed phrases to push. And what of the 'workers'?
>> Just a convenient stick with which to beat the 'capitalist runing dogs'
>> with.

> I can only laugh at your childish outburst that is based on wrong assumptions.

Really? Then perhaps you'd like to elaborate what you see the
'important role' of McSpotlight being? - assuming its not part of
some grandiose 'global socio-economic revolution' plan.

> With all this contempt for the "left wing" you are obviously very
> proud of your right wing outlook on life.

My contempt is for disingenuous armchair revolutionaries
who latch onto any cause to further their own political agenda.
People like Tommy Sheriden, and, I suspect, you. You're no
'workers friend' - Militant, is it?

>No wonder why you defend
> McD's rights to exploit and abuse their workers.

A really desperate last throw of the dice. Identify any statement
of mine where I have defended McDs 'rights' to do any of
these things. No, you can't can you? Consistently, through all of
this, my line has been 'McDs maybe bad, but there are others a
lot worse". This is not the same thing as you are trying to imply,
but you know that, you also know your bubble has been popped so
you throw up a smoke screen. Typical 'week-end lefties' tactic.

Let me ask you a simple question, since it does relate to the
stated aims of the McSpotlight campaign - and try and answer it
without the usual left wing waffle:-

Do you consider it better that those who work in McDs were
unemployed than working under the current regime? Remember,
many of those running this current campaign are Animal Rights Activists
and are unlikely to be concerned about the welfare of those working
in the meat industry.(check out some of the links from
the home pages)


McSpotlight replies:

We're going to have to start moderating this argument out of the
Debating Room if it gets much more personal :-(. Let's stick to
the issues, yeah?

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