- McJobs and Workers -in Oz everyone is on minimum wageIn Reply to: Pay and PR moan:-) posted by Tim on October 10, 1999 at 17:06:54:
I don't know how the pay structure works over there, but in Oz everyone is on minimum wage - there are no wage rises (unless you have a birthday or become a manager), but there is also no wage dicrimination like you mentioned. I have heard crew whinge about our minimum rates, but personally I think my hourly rate is pretty damn good. My only complaint is that I think wages should rise with every year the person has worked there, not just on their age. I mean, I have been at maccas for 4 years, and yet a 19 year old just joined and gets $3 more an hour than me, and yet she knows jackshit and fucks up just about every order she takes. ![]()