- McJobs and Workers -
Posted by: PENDULS ( TRARALGON, VIC, Australia ) on October 03, 1999 at 19:46:51:
In Reply to: Love To Cut The Tall Poppies? posted by Nicola Konderla on September 30, 1999 at 11:16:45:

You say that this is biased but the Mcdonals corperation is exploting very sick children (Mchappy day) in an attempt to sell more Big Macs if they where rely interested with the problem of sick children they would donate more than only $1 per Big Mac, they should donate the entire profits for the day.You mentioned the look on the 15 year olds face when they get the job, but you did not mention the look on their face when they are working in under staffed, and under equipted stores in very busy periods of the day, this is when they realise how shit a job at Mcdonalds can realy be. Wihtout Mcdonalds corupting the youth of Australia (and the world) there would have a greater oportunity to pursue an education or a carrier in a feild which does not only lead to a position in management. GET A LIFE AND WAKE UP TO THE CORUPTION.

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