- McJobs and Workers -
Posted by: Wesley Everett ( IWW, Everywhere ) on August 23, 1999 at 10:42:12:
In Reply to: HELP! posted by Aussie Maccas Chick on July 28, 1999 at 17:37:29:

Aussie Macca's Chick, Why not start a union? It would definately be exciting, socially responcible and you could get better pay. A multi-billion dollar corporation can afford to give you and your co-workers a bit more money and probably some benefits, eh? Check out the IWW website and look for those folks in Australia. There's a bunch of them in Brisbane and Melbourne and a few scattered all around. Got lots of young folks too.Wesley

Follow Ups:
- TO wesley Aussie maccas chick maccas Australia August 26 1999