- McJobs and Workers -HELP!
I have been working for the Mcdonalds tightwads for 4.5 years!!I HATE IT!!Before you suggest that I get a new job let me explain. I live in a small country town with extremely limited employment opputurnities. I need money to complete my university education. So far McDonalds has : 1# Given me UGLY varicose and spider veins ( due to my slavedriving managers never letting me sit down - not even once on a 8 hour shift -apart from my break- that is when i get one)2# A bad back - from standing up all the time- and from having to wear a 0.5 kilo headset around my waist for my whole shift 3# A stuffed up neck - again from the headset 4# STRESS!!!!!!!!! for eg.- a junkie walkes in and spits at the counter because his soft serve is "not big enough" , he starts swearing and macking a scene. Any rational person would kick the junkie out but no, Im expected to smile sweetly at the looser in the gutter and comply in order to avoid 'trouble with the junkie' because an old granny might pity him and get offended if hes asked to leave. Its "bad for business" ..so they say.5# A BAD TEMPER!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]()