- McJobs and Workers -WHAT SHOULD I DO?
I have been working at my McDonald's for almost three years. In that time I have recieved excellent evaluations and have always recived a raise as I am suppose to (Many of my co-workers do not) I consider myself a good employee. A few months ago my general mager was fired for undisclosed reasons. Even he himself doesn't know, and as far as I have been able to find out it was purely for personal reasons that my supervisor did so ( He has a friend he wanted to promote and dislike my manger because they had not gotten along when the latter was the current supervisors boss) Since the gm has been fired my store has become a communist country. Almost all managers (except those positoned there to spy on the general manager) and trainers either quit or have been fired for some insignifact reason in most cases. Since than an air of oppression has filled my once beloced store. Rules change weekly as do the placement of all items (including the the portable refridgerators) and there are no signs hung up to let us know; therefore we are expected to be phycics (This makes it hard for me to do my job, if I don't know what the rules are and where things are) Our newsletter which contained new procedures and such as stated previously has been deemed finnancialy impossible (Former General Manager paid to make the copies of the newsletter, our owner wouldn't pay and will not now. Btw our owner is one of the lowest people I know: He is a deadbeat dead, has fired people for being gay or old, comes in drunk often, and was accused by another owner of tring to burn down another McDonald's-this is an understatement not an exageration) We are no longer allowed to talk what so ever (is this allowed?) I am frequently given drawers which I have not counted. Kids are forced to work illegal shifts. We are never allowed to go home on time, I ussally leave 30 mins after my shift is over on weekends. Signoffs are often ignored, and we are treated terribly. My new general manager has hinted I may not get a raise because I make to much money ($6.00) I wish I could unionize the store... I wish I could do anything! Is there anything I can do? Things have just gotten so terrible here. I am not the only one, me and many of my fellow trainers have complained to each other about how we dread working, and have thought of confronting our new general manager with our grivenices, but I am the opinion that this would result in us suddenly becoming terrible workers(according to our evaluations) and write-ups. I am considering ending my carreer at McDonalds after the mcscholarships are announced ( I think I have a good chance), but I'm afraid that I may go from bad job to worse. What should I do? ![]()