- McJobs and Workers -My crew comes in early for work every day.In Reply to: Define posted by BASE727{mad cow patrol} on December 01, 1998 at 23:26:39:
James were you even conciously thinking when you wrote that message? Im sorry but I have high school kids working for me and they don't chase each other around the dining room and cuss. My crew comes in early for work every day. They all sit together in the dining room and have something to eat and smoke a few cigarettes. Once in a while we all may get to horseplaying but its not when there are customers are around and its certainly not in the dining room. I don't care if you're 16 or 30 you should have some respect for the company that is paying you's image. My crew knows that when they are in their uniform they are a representative of the business wether or not they are on the clock. Think about that! ![]()