- McJobs and Workers -
Posted by: BASE727{mad cow patrol} ( L.S-A.P., Canada ) on December 01, 1998 at 23:26:39:
In Reply to: Unproffessional conduct I witnessed by a McD Employee. posted by Mike Bacon on November 29, 1998 at 23:24:15:

! Just a thought for all of you whining about the "stupid, goddam customers" and their "fucking special orders".: Yours truly, Mike. BASE727: Easy Mike, were you ever a kid at one time, I know I was. Dont kids like to chase each other around? Now could you please tell us all in cyberland and define how a McDee's worker (or any other worker) should be acting in a "proffessional" matter? James p.s. I don't know where QX has been lately, but I'm still here...

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