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Start with Multinational Corporations..
Posted by: BASE727{mad cow patrol} ( L.S-A.P., Windsor Ont Can. ) on July 09, 1998 at 09:37:10:
In Reply to: Can we treat our invironment better?? posted by sweets8n on July 08, 1998 at 11:53:22:

BASE727:: Well there has been a lot of changes over the last 100 years, it's enough to make the average person's head spin. Back in the old days we only took what we needed and now there is so much waste it is unreal, we have too much throw away material and that is one thing that ruins the enviroment I.E. fast food packaging, we throw it out when we are done with it and that is a waste right there. We have to use raw materials right there and that is a waste. We as human being have to start to be less wasteful and renew materials a little better. Look around on this site and you will see the waste and destruction that Multinational Corporations cause and if we want to make the enviroment better we have to start with them.. I would like to add more but my time is limited right now.. G,Day James..

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