- McJobs and Workers -
we are stuck here and have to make do with what we got
Posted by: BASE727{mad cow patrol} ( L.S-A.P., Windsor Ont Can.. ) on July 13, 1998 at 09:55:02:
In Reply to: How far back are you willing to go?? posted by sweets8n on July 10, 1998 at 10:19:04:

BASE727::There's one problem, If you can turn back the hands of time, do you have a time machine. Please let me know. That we can't do, so we are stuck here and have to make do with what we got and start making better decisions. And yes we can start to run out of certain things if we are not carefull with them I.E. Fossil fuels..Sweets8:: James: Still like your name!! BASE727:: Don't wear it out eh!!... James..

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