- McJobs and Workers -
you are such a pathetic manager
Posted by: YOU SUCK! ( McD, Canada ) on May 19, 1998 at 10:05:50:
In Reply to: The whole McDonalds system is built on putting down others posted by matt pinson on May 17, 1998 at 17:50:10:

. Backstabing is the unofficial way (and about the only) way of getting real promotions.I'm sorry to hear that you are such a pathetic manager that you need to put other people down to get yourself promoted. I'm in a similar situation as a second assistant where I am not getting any support from my "backstabbing" friends. If people don't see you for the "skills" you say you have then maybe you should hurry up and get the fuck out! It is because of people like you that have made me hate my job. Do everyone a favor...quickly please.

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