- McJobs and Workers -
I have to pretty much agree with Matt.
Posted by: Outta There! ( ex-swing manager..Delamater franchise, USA ) on May 26, 1998 at 11:06:02:
In Reply to: I was just stateing how it is. posted by Matt Pinson on May 20, 1998 at 09:39:36:

As a former swing manager, I have to pretty much agree with Matt. In McDonald's you have 2 choices: go with the flow and become as corrupt and self centered as they are, or stay where you are and get nothing but negative feedback. You will not be promoted on the basis of ability or intelligence, only on the amount of kissing up and putting others down that you do! I actually took a pay cut to get out of that place and have not regretted it for a second, even though money is tight!

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