- McJobs and Workers -
there is a lot better out there
Posted by: BASE727(mad cow patrol) ( L.S-A.P., Windsor Ont Can ) on May 07, 1998 at 17:04:52:
In Reply to: Teen considering working at McDonald's... posted by Kevin on May 07, 1998 at 09:39:10:

BASE727:: My advice Kevin is dont do it, there is a lot better out there . Some advice if you want to work there #1 watch yourself in what you say because there will be people that will stab you in the back to get brownie points with the bosses .#2 make sure you get paid for all hours worked. #3 Be prepared for anything and everything. Good luck...If you can find something else besides "fast food" go 4 it ....G'Day.. James..

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