- Multinationals -
The Manager WILL know
Posted by: C. Jenkins ( USA ) on April 05, 1999 at 16:52:39:
In Reply to: Here's a telephone number... posted by Hugh Morris on February 02, 1999 at 12:10:58:

: The manager isn't going to know; there is no such documentation at the restaurant. In the US, call them toll-free at (800)TACO-BELL, or (800)822-6235 (it's the same thing). They might not know either, but perhaps you'd like to simply scream into the telephone receiver and hang up.: : Operator, Just Forget About This Call..., : Hugh Morris The Manager WILL know, the kind of meat is written on the box it comes in by the manufacturer and IS USDA grade A. I know , I used to be manager for Taco Bell.

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