- Multinationals -
Stupid people believe stupid things!!
Posted by: David Carroll ( Wal-Mart Believers, USA ) on November 15, 1998 at 23:31:14:
In Reply to: I shop at Wal-mart because of their prices, but their business ethics SUCK. posted by Lori on November 09, 1998 at 17:30:36:

I cannot believe the ignorance of some people. I read this stuff and I want to cry. Who ever started the rumor that Wal-Mart goes into an area, destroys the economy and then moves on anyway?? Why would Wal-Mart spend several million dollars to open a store in an area only to (1) Put everyone else out of business and (2) Close the store. This makes no sense at all. Wal-Mart is in the business of making not losing money. Anyone can compete with Wal-Mart all you need is a product line that does not compete with them. When Wal-Mart comes into a new area, new businesses start popping up everywhere. If anything Wal-Mart inproves revenue in any community:

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